Odd things you've seen at swinger parties and gang bangs

Can't say I've seen anything odd but then again I was usually on my back and legs in the air. lol. Although one time I did meet up with a guy and he had three balls.
@Seargent: HAHA! Not a bad point, sir.

Weird things I've encountered:

1. OLD dudes - I mean OLD - looking around for some pussy to fuck.
2. Women who have been dragged by their husbands/boyfriends, and look miserable.
3. Husbands who try to get a little too close when their wives aren't looking.
4. People who are way to talky during a fuck session - like they're at a social gathering and not a gangbang.

OMG I hate that, the most annoying thing ever.
^^^^ lerotic, that's hilarious!

To continue the list:
Guys and girls who are ok with going bareback. :eek: Never know what to make of this - are they totally oblivious to the risks, or do they already have a few diseases and don't care anymore?

I've been to one of those places only twice, and that was MANY years ago. No condoms were used. When I expressed concern to the organizer, he told me that they had never had a problem with STSs. However, a guy told me that he went only to watch because twice he had got ghonorrea there.

I saw one guy have sex with three different women. One woman just lay on her back and had sex with at east 12 guys - no condoms, of course. The guys were all lined up awaiting their turns. When one guy couldn't get it up, she shoved him away. I wonder how many of those people are still alive.
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