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Thread: Good erotica and orgasms  

  1. #9661
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    perched by elaina
    21 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 60mb 9m10s

    The light coming in Elaina's window is just perfect for showing us the details of her bodily contours. Sometimes shadow can reveal a lot more than light, and those created at the tops of her inner thighs are the visual equivalent of running fingers along crevices and atop ridges.

    cared for by locke
    22 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 47mb 6m44s

    While we try our best to represent female sexuality of all ages and shapes, it's infrequent that we get the opportunity to work with women who have 'lived to tell the tale' a bit longer than the rest of our contributors. Fortunately we met Locke, and she was happy to let us into the well-cared-for space of her sexuality.

    exert by avani
    23 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 122mb 18m20s

    The ever-intense Avani returns today and the angle captured here should explain exactly why masturbation can provide a full-body workout. In fact, I propose that this is actually a workout video, and that we all need to learn Avani's routine. It definitely seems to be working.

  2. #9662
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    one divine hammer by tilly
    25 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 41mb 6m21s

    The IFM Problem-Solving Squad has detected a problem: there is simply not enough solo Tilly on this website. She's very into bringing her friends to shoots, so this time we made a no-friends rule and we are so very glad we did – when there's no one there to play with, she seems to play just a little harder.

    crescendo by cadence
    26 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 51mb 7?37s

    Cadence has a sharp, bold beauty that is all the more visually powerful in its stillness in the frame. I find her technique to be fascinatingly sexy – that such a light, rapid touch can produce such release. But I suppose that's the joy of having an organ that is designed specifically for concentrated sexual sensation…

    wound up by carley
    27 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 58mb 8m31s

    The IFM kids have known Carley for awhile now, and one of the things we've come to discover the more and more we film her is that she is completely committed to satisfying herself thoroughly. I find it endearing that she can wind herself up to this degree, and admirable that she can completely isolate herself in pleasure.

  3. #9663
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    girl stuff by masarap
    28 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 56mb 8m12s

    One of the best things about girls is their stuff. The collections of bottles and tiny boxes and piles of lacy things is one of the most gratifying parts of being in a girlspace, which is part of why we bring these Homemade videos to you. Everyone needs an education in girl stuff, and at IFM, we consider ourselves experts on the matter.

    lustre by bloxsome
    29 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 38mb 5m54s

    Bloxsome's debut contribution has a colour scheme that is quite compatible with her personality – shiny, spunky, in-your-face with its brightness and sparkle. She's a bit of a firecracker, this one, and when she goes off, you know it.

    flipped reissue by bisou
    30 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 53mb 8m2s

    Bisou has flown away to who knows where, so whilst it's difficult to accommodate your requests for more of her, we can offer some alternative perspectives on what she's already done. Today's clip will melt you all over again – Bisou's position in the frame, her intense and darting eyes, and her cute commentary make for a perfect re-issue.

  4. #9664
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    machina by tilda
    31 May 2008
    WMV 640x480 44mb 6m31s

    For all those out there who think that the use of toys produces a less intense orgasm than the exclusive use of the bits Goddess gave ya, we present Tilda. This lady knows how to operate machinery, and I think the trembling of her face as she builds up that pressure in her body should suggest that it's not a delicate task.

    depth by constance
    01 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 85mb 12m50s

    Constance has a two-handed technique that keeps us wondering what exactly her fingers are doing. There is something about that which is hidden that requires a bit more of our sympathetic sensibility to envision it – dig deep into your sensual impulses and maybe you'll understand what she's experiencing.

    fore play by nita
    03 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 64mb 9m23s

    I get the sense that perhaps Nita started her play – whether fantastical or physical – before the cameras even started rolling. We might imagine her on the tram earlier that day, coming up with a whole storehouse of things to think about once we pressed 'record', and when you're storing fantasies, you can't help but linger on one or two of them…

  5. Liked by 1 user: ytrewqwer

  6. #9665
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    full extent by Maria_C
    13 Jan 2024
    HD MP4 444MB 1920x1080 `12m`04s
    I feel like masturbation, and orgasm, are like the final form of the humble sigh. Think about it - anytime you’re overworked, stressed out, going too hard. It’s the feeling of plopping down in a comfy chair, like the one Maria finds here, and just, taking a deep breath. Letting it out. But that sigh is such small potatoes - if only we could get to the full extent of relaxation, every time we needed it.

  7. #9666
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    double take by mostrina
    04 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 72mb 8m31s

    We couldn't decide which of these takes of Mostrina we liked better, so we decided to tell the whole story today. Looking at a beautiful naked girl is one thing, but when she's composed herself so beautifully into the frame, there's an extra little layer of sexy that may translate to physical sensation if you're appropriately tuned in.

    rise by letisha
    05 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 58mb 7m55s

    In addition to being heartstoppingly pretty, Letisha makes the most beautiful motions with her body in the first of several contributions to our pretty little orgasm Project. I love the way her hips rise to meet her hands and build tension in her body, and then release back to the bed, only to rise again in the next wave of pleasure.

    abandon reissue by Lilie
    06 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 57mb 8m38s

    When things get crazy in life, it's always nice to return to a familiar place. Lilie's 'abandon' is a routinely-watched IFM video, according to our records, and I for one have an eternal place for it on my hard drive. Let's take a closer look at one of IFM's most naturally but dramatically beautiful videos, and feel that familiar feeling again.

  8. #9667
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    fascinated 2 by micheline
    07 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 61mb 9m10s

    In case it's not made clear by her masturbatory style, Micheline is fascinated by sex and sensuality, and has a whole heap of corresponding stories to tell. You can catch some of them in her upcoming Lucubrations, but not all of them – the rest are in her head, and perhaps being re-told as we speak.

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    all frills by pearline
    08 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 67mb 9m39s

    Looking like something out of a fairy tale, Pearline brings her frills and lace and apparent delicacy to IFM at last. But appearances are not exactly what they seem, which you'll see in her upcoming work, and that which she's already contributed to This girl's a smoking gun.

    interruptus by suki
    09 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 74mb 10m41s

    Suki's Homemade has a lovely soundtrack – it's a different Men at Work sort of sound, complete with bangs and buzzings. This may or may not account for an interruption to her activities, which involved a re-dress and perhaps some quick negotiations to enable her to return to her work, thankyouverymuch.

  9. #9668
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    mirror mirror 2 by Sheila
    10 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 40mb 6m11s

    You have all turned into giddy little schoolgirls over Sheila's debut, and whilst we have a mind to exploit that just a little bit, the sound of your high-pitched voices whining 'please can we have some more?' is a little too much to bear. So here it is, part two, the fairest one of all…

    night 1 by avani
    11 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 60mb 9m0s

    On sweltering summer nights where you need only a sheet to cover you, the restlessness of heat keeps you tossing and turning, whimpering for sleep. Avani chooses to make the best of these conditions. In the soft light of nighttime's varied luminescence, she embraces the warmth cast over her body in pure sensual bliss.

    silver reissue by snow_black
    12 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 36mb 5m41s

    There is something so beautifully delicate about Snow Black's 'silver' that makes us feel really, really amazing when we watch it. That's the unexplainable thing about aesthetics – sometimes you just look at something and it makes you feel so good that you have to share it with others and hope they'll see the same thing.

  10. #9669
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    in the sand by sequoia
    13 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 66mb 9m23s

    Our favourite Floridian gets her toes (and other parts) all sandy today down among the waves. If you know anything about Sequoia you're already aware of her beach obsession, as she's most at home in the salty sea. I like to think that this is her in her absolute glory, but maybe we can get her to come visit and tell us for sure…

    hyperballad up close by Hyperballad
    14 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 44mb 6m41s

    Hyperballad has been working behind the scenes of IFM for some time now, and is a constant source of inspiration and ideas and early morning jelly beans. Today she shares something with the website that she couldn't possibly have done at her desk, and I'm feeling more than a little grateful that she did.

    warmth 1 by edan
    15 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 44mb 6m38s

    I love the warm tones that wash over this clip from newcomer Edan - and those that wash over her body itself. Each contributor brings with her a different presence and tonality that gives us the chance to play with temperatures of colour and light in a way that perhaps no other subject would.

  11. #9670
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    VIDEO | 28 Mar 2023 Alexis W
    27m 37s
    Download: 1024x576 (633mb)

    As she leans over the balcony, for an upskirt peek, Alexis has a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, behind her stylish glasses. She lifts up her top to reveal that one pink nipple has slipped out of her sports bra, and bites her lip with an innocent expression. Alexis brushes her blonde hair topless, then, takes off her cotton panties and playfully wraps a clear plastic belt around her lush breasts.

    Alexis stands in the nude before a glass door, and cheekily presses her curvy bum against it. Looking delighted, she balances on one foot and gazes into the camera as her flawlessly smooth vulva is photographed from below. Then, Alexis gets in lots of flexible positions, so we can soak up the enticing sight of her fair-skinned nude figure. She giggles happily while placing both bare feet behind her head, to reveal her neat anus, then grabs her toes and invitingly spreads her slender legs wide apart, so we can admire her pussy.

  12. #9671
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    VIDEO | 04 Apr 2023 Scarlette
    34m 31s
    Download: MP4 1024x576 (832mb)

    Scarlette laughs with delight as she shows off her vibrantly-coloured bell bottoms, then tugs them down to uncover cotton panties covered with rainbow butterflies. Her fluffy full bush escapes from the sides, so she strips them off and puts the fabric under nose, breathing in her own sweet scent. Wearing only a tied-off T-shirt, she gazes sensually through her glasses, and runs her hands all over her soft Rubenesque figure.

    After slipping out her bra with an innocent expression, Scarlette squeezes her small breasts together, then revels in sharing all of her body. She gets on all fours, to accentuate her thick booty, then rolls over and opens her legs, revealing her luxuriously hairy pussy with a bright smile. Raising her hands above her head, while massaging lotion into her boobs, she shows that her natural look extends to her fuzzy armpits. After trying on a tie-dyed tank top as a skirt, Scarlette stands in the nude, so her curves can be photographed from below.

  13. #9672
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    VIDEO | 08 Apr 2023 Selvaggia
    48m 13s
    Download: MP4 1024x576 (1.02G)

    In her first outdoor shoot, Selvaggia's golden blonde hair and creamy complexion glow in the sunshine. She looks fetching in a lavender halter top that her nipples poke through, and skintight shorts that display the curves of her bouncy bum. Selvaggia wriggles out of her shirt with a cheeky grin, using her hands to stay covered, until she's ready to show off her perky boobs. Once she's stripped down to her panties, and tugged them up so they nestle between her labia, it's clear that she's fully shaved.

    Delighted to be naked, Selvaggia relaxes in a wicker loveseat with her legs wide open, and gently strokes her silky vulva with a brush. She fixes her hair into adorable pigtails and puts on a fashionable sun hat, then beams into the camera as she exposes her clit. After bending over and squeezing her bottom to display her neat anus, Selvaggia lies on the ground and lifts one leg high into the air. Her absolutely sparkling smile reveals how happy it makes her to show off her pussy.

  14. Liked by 1 user: ytrewqwer

  15. #9673
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    the full story by Lilie
    14 Jan 2024
    HD MP4 351MB 1920x1080 `8m`54s
    "I couldn't stop thinking about him. He had been in my thoughts as I worked today and when I took a nap, he had been in my dreams as well. I felt I was going to go insane with my need for him. I slowly stripped off my clothes as I lay in bed. My mind was still racing after my dream with him, it had been so vivid. I could feel his mouth against my own and his hands on my body ... I remembered how he began to kiss my body in the dream, how he chuckled at the little moans that I was unable to keep from escaping. Once my shirt was off..."

  16. Liked by 1 user: ytrewqwer

  17. #9674
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    rock on by bathory
    16 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 38mb 5m49s

    Bathory rocks. She is perhaps the most metal petal on the IFM planet, though you might not know it just to look at her. She's worked in an abattoir and kicked about in the country dust, and now she rocks the IFM bedroom quite literally - just ask that pillow between her legs.

    all over by sekhmet
    18 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 53mb 8m11s

    Sekhmet has a very holistic consciousness about her sexuality and we think it comes out quite visibly in her work on IFM. She brings herself to an awareness of her entire body throughout, and seems to be constantly balancing energy around a centre.

    secret garden by carley
    19 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 59mb 8m58s

    One nice thing about the urban sprawl is that the division and subdivision of space has created lots of little hidey-holes and lean-tos for adventuring, or escaping, or...well, you know. Carley ducks down into one today and gets in and out just in time for the afternoon buzzings to begin.

  18. #9675
    Elite Prospect vovpit's Avatar
    29 Oct 2020

    Re: Good erotica and orgasms

    like gold by xzara
    20 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 38mb 6m1s

    Remember the other day when I was talking about how we've got all of these cool colours on the website and how uniquely hued each video can be? Xzara brings a wonderful golden tone to the bed today, showing us how much variation we have to work with, day in and day out, in the colours of our fantasies.

    switched on 1 by Lara_F
    21 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 57mb 8m43s

    Lara F was a bit curious about the whole concept of the battery-operated orgasm - she's always been a hands-only sort of girl. But curiosity got the best of her, and she offered us the chance to let us film it. The result is not only beautiful, but uncontrollably sexy.

    awe by sera
    22 Jul 2008
    WMV 640x480 49mb 7m11s

    The longer you are on this earth, the more you can find to eroticise, and the more integrated sex and life become. Sera has managed to integrate some rather interesting things into her everyday erotic play, and does this with such control and grace that we can't help but be in a bit of awe.

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