Create your fully customizable army of dwarves and lead them to victory! Strategize with up to 10 individual beardlings in this combination of classic RPGs, roguelikes and auto-battlers. Forge your own path and decimate orcs, fight trolls or battle dragons - There will be Glory, Death and Loot!
Скорошни рецензии:
Много положителни (283) - 91% от 283 потребителски рецензии в последните 30 дни са положителни.
Всички рецензии:
Много положителни (1,430) - 80% от 1,430 потребителски рецензии за тази игра са положителни.
Дата на издаване:
16 авг. 2023

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Игра в „Ранен достъп“

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Забележка: Игрите в „Ранен достъп“ не са завършени и е възможно по-нататък да се променят или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още.

Какво имат да кажат разработчиците:

Защо „Ранен достъп“?

„As the game offers millions of potential combinations and strategic setups, it is only possible to test everything with the help of the community.
Early Access is also a great opportunity to involve the community into the further development and see which content is enjoyed the most. The feedback of the players will be important to guide the development process.“

Приблизително колко дълго тази игра ще бъде в „Ранен достъп“?

„The release date will be based entirely on the feedback of players like yourself! A rough estimate would be 1 - 2 years.“

Как ще се различава планираната пълна версия от тази в „Ранен достъп“?

„The full version will offer more items, modes, languages and other features, which will gradually be added throughout Early Access.“

Какво е текущото състояние на версията в „Ранен достъп“?

„Please refer to the "About This" section for details on the currently available features.“

Ще има ли разлика в цената на играта по време на „Ранен достъп“ и след това?

„The price may increase moderately with the full release.“

Как планирате да ангажирате общността в процеса Ви на разработка?

„Feedback will be taken seriously through Steam comments, Reddit and Discord.“
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Закупуване на Dwarves: Glory, Death and Loot

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Включва 2 артикула: Dwarves: Glory, Death and Loot, Seer's Gambit

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Включва 2 артикула: Dwarves: Glory, Death and Loot, Tales And Tactics

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Включва 2 артикула: Greedland, Dwarves: Glory, Death and Loot

Всички дискусии

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Относно тази игра

Create your fully customizable army of dwarves and lead them to victory! Strategize with up to 10 individual beardlings in this combination of classic RPGs, roguelikes and auto-battlers. Decimate orcs, fight trolls and battle dragons - There will be Glory, Death and humongous amounts of Loot!

As a novice commander of the dwarf legion, your journey begins with two dwarves. They start out with rudimentary gear and weak combat abilities. Only by defeating enemies, gaining experience and gold, fully equipping them, honing their battle skills, and recruiting more warriors to your ranks can you triumph.

Every dwarf warrior can be customized to your liking. Equip them with different gear, and they'll take on vastly different roles. Some will become sturdy tanks able to withstand heavy damage, some will become agile assassins or archers, and some will become high damage output, yet fragile mages.

By adjusting your dwarves' gear and formation, you can alter your legion's lineup and combat style on the fly. Design your ideal battle strategies and build a Dwarf Legion that is truly your own.

After each battle, players can choose one of three branches to follow. You can choose to slay monsters to level up, buy equipment, or hire new warriors. Each choice carries its own opportunities and risks.

Also, as you play more, you'll acquire gems that unlock various skills in your skill book, providing bonuses for all your future battles, and further enhancing your preferred combat style.

As your Dwarf Legion becomes increasingly powerful, the number and strength of your enemies will rise correspondingly, turning the battlefield into a highly intense arena.

Facing different enemy configurations, adjust your legion's equipment and positions in a timely manner. Increase your frontline defenses if the enemy is launching a lot of assaults. If the enemy has numerous mages, focus on disrupting their backline. Only with correct tactics can you increase your chances of winning.

If you blindly focus on improving your stats and fight with an unsuitable formation, you may be led around by the enemy or have your backline cut off. The result might not be optimistic, so please make sure to learn from your experiences, think strategically, and utilize your tactics fully!

Although players can already jump in and enjoy commanding their Dwarf Legions, the game is still in the Demo phase. More new gear, professions, maps, and bosses are coming to heat up the battle even more!
It won't be too long. Stay tuned!

Системни изисквания

    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Intel i3-2100 / AMD A8-5600k
    • Памет: 4 GB памет
    • Пространство за съхранение: 500 MB достъпно пространство

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